Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here's some TMI just for you!

So my amazing friend Aubrey has found out recently that she has endometriosis. So I'm doing this post for her. Periods should be talked about. Not just the bad ones but the normal ones. I'm not posting any of this to brag, so hopefully it doesn't come off like that. But I feel like women should know what is normal and what is not.

I'm pretty sure I'm more on the normal side. And while I'm sure everyone is different I just want to share a story from the normal side. 

First of all cramps. Yes I have them. Yes they suck, but they don't disrupt my life. I remember in high school having days where they were so bad I'd lay on the bathroom floor of our 80 some odd year old high school. Which is pretty gross and they put me on birth control to 'normalize' my hormones. And once I found a bc that didn't make me bat shit crazy, it worked. I went from 7 day periods with terrible cramps to 3 day periods with bearable cramps that could be controlled with minimal pain meds. 

I stayed on bc until after I was married and we were ready for kids. I was terrified to quit, thinking the 7 day periods and horrible cramps would come back. But they didn't. I stayed with 3 to 4 day periods and manageable cramps. It took us almost a year after quitting to get pregnant but even after my pregnancy my periods stayed 3-4 days. 

I have crazy PMS. I feel like a ticking time bomb that gets more and more wound up until I actually start my period. I get bloated and have a hard time not eating everything! I feel like I want punch evryone and tell them all they suck. I get pretty down on myself and just feel like I need to crawl out of my skin. It starts about a week prior to my period but doesn't get super bad until a day or 2 before. I can always tell the day right before because I should be locked in a room by myself and not allowed to talked to anyone! It's bad. As soon as my period starts its like a release. I still have the food cravings but everything else kind of winds down. So in a weird way I'm always happy to see my period start. And maybe that's weird and not 'normal' I don't know, but I haven't killed anyone... Yet.

So that's pretty much my normal. What's your normal? Let's talk about it.. Let's let girls know when something should be looked at more closely. Let's teach them when they need to go to a doctor and say no this isn't normal! 

And one more fun thing;) I decided to try softcups this month instead of tampons. I'm honestly a bit scared😁 does anyone else use them? So far they've been fine. I decided to try them because I'd like to switch to the diva cup, because I have this fear of some grand emergency happeneing and having to deal with tampons. Ladies this would be horrible! Anyway what are your thoughts? 


Aubrey Anne said...

Andrea! This made me cry. Thank you so much for hearing me and caring. I'm not gonna lie, the 3-day period... I thought that was a myth! I love you ❤

Hannah Hunt said...

I've thought about using a Diva Cup also, but it terrifies me... will it leak? Will it be comfortable? Where do I wash it out, my sink?...Let me know how it goes for you.