Monday, July 6, 2009

Dear Boys

If you are of the Male gender this is for you!

If you're not man enough to be a father... wrap it up or keep your pants on!

If you're not strong enough to be honest and end it when you've found someone else .... you don't deserve to have anything.

If you're not brave enough to take a chance when it seems like there could be something good there... you should just lock yourself in a dark room with your xbox for all of eternity.

If your not willing to open doors for girls... maybe you should consider dating boys.

If you're going to run at the first sight of trouble and not try to work things out... maybe you shouldn't ever get married.

If you're not kind enough to move the hell out when you leave your spouse high and dry... maybe you just shouldn't leave.

If you don't really like what you're doing for a relationship but do it anyway... maybe you should get your head examined!

If you take something that is precious to someone that can't be given back and you throw away like yesterdays trash.... you don't deserve to breathe!

Im so tired of most the boys these days! what the hell is your problem?! no it is not your god given right to have 3 or 4 girlfriends in fact if you marry that many its against the law! No its not okay to lie and cheat, No birth control is not only the girls problem. Yes you do have to take responsibility for your own mistakes and problems and YES life is hard not only for your self centered self but for every single living person! So GROW UP!! be an adult! you are not peter pan you do not live in never never land! and Women are people too who deserve to be treated as such and plus some!

Seth you're amazing and none of this about you. my lovely friends I really am going to go on a junk punching tour staring the one and only me, and the douche bags of the world laying on the floor crying in pain! I love you and you all deserve so much better! I know you'll find it! and I hope everything gets better!


Aubrey Anne said...


Natalie said...