Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy fathers day!

This is a special fathers day in my house. It's my husbands first fathers day! He's been the most supportive and amazing father. We are the luckiest wife and son ever! I can't imagine my life with out him!

I also have an amazing dad myself. He's loving being a grandpa! Happy fathers day dad!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birth Story

My son is finally here! I have never in my life fallen in love so quickly. He is beautiful and amazing and strong and healthy!

I started having contractions around 2am and they began to get worse around 4am.  By 7 when my Husband needed to leave for work they hadn't really changed much so I sent him on his way and told him I'd call him if anything changed. Around 10 I called my Doctor and they said to go ahead and go in. When I got to the hospital I was only dilated to a 1 and the nurse said they may send me home.  I wanted to cry because the pain was pretty awful when I had contractions. So she said she'd try to get me admitted. Whatever she did worked and they admitted me and started me on the epidural.  Can I just say epidurals are your friend.  I LOVED it! with in 10 minutes of getting the epidural I dilated from a 1 to a 5.

My doctor came soon after that to break my water and check in. Things were moving along decently and I wasn't in any pain.  at 7:35 the nurse came in and kicked everyone but my husband out of the room saying its time to start pushing. and at 8:11pm I was looking into the face of my greatest accomplishment ever!  I mean look at him!  He's perfect! 

I'm so glad my labor went as well as it did and now baby and I doing great resting at home.