Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It needs to be said

Just so you know People are not in this world to serve you! If you're getting something for free and keep DEMANDING someones time and then act like an ass and look down on them when they're busy doing the part of the job they get paid for you need to know this! THE WORLD DOESN'T OWE YOU ANYTHING! If you're a manager and won't hire people because you feel threatened you may lose your job let me ask you... How the Hell did you become a manager? who beleived in you and why cant you do the same for other people? What is wrong the world? If you offer to help a friend and then decide to rip them off, I think your messed up! Where do people get the idea these things are okay? the world could be so much better if people could stop being selfish just for 5 minutes and think about other people. Im so frustrated with people telling lies having Jobs and doing nothing when others of us work our asses off and will eventually have nothing. If you think you can do my Job better than me well congrats you may end up getting your chance I hope you enjoy it! I did I love my Job but apparently that doesn't matter anymore apparently now its all about only hiring people you know will fail so you end up looking better in Comparison, holding grudges, and stealing from friends. well I don't want to be like that! I want to help other people find something they love, have a Job and excel. I want actually help my friends when I say I will and I want to be less frustrated with people. but they only give more reasons every day to be frustrated! Just grow up everyone play nice and be an adult for a little while.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lynn said...

I'm so sorry things are so horrible!! Whatever is going on sounds super stressful for you. :( But I think you're feaking amazing!! And whoever doesn't fully appreciate your awesomeness is at risk of being punched in the face by me! I hope things start getting better. You're my favorite! Muah!