Thursday, June 7, 2012

Birth Story

My son is finally here! I have never in my life fallen in love so quickly. He is beautiful and amazing and strong and healthy!

I started having contractions around 2am and they began to get worse around 4am.  By 7 when my Husband needed to leave for work they hadn't really changed much so I sent him on his way and told him I'd call him if anything changed. Around 10 I called my Doctor and they said to go ahead and go in. When I got to the hospital I was only dilated to a 1 and the nurse said they may send me home.  I wanted to cry because the pain was pretty awful when I had contractions. So she said she'd try to get me admitted. Whatever she did worked and they admitted me and started me on the epidural.  Can I just say epidurals are your friend.  I LOVED it! with in 10 minutes of getting the epidural I dilated from a 1 to a 5.

My doctor came soon after that to break my water and check in. Things were moving along decently and I wasn't in any pain.  at 7:35 the nurse came in and kicked everyone but my husband out of the room saying its time to start pushing. and at 8:11pm I was looking into the face of my greatest accomplishment ever!  I mean look at him!  He's perfect! 

I'm so glad my labor went as well as it did and now baby and I doing great resting at home.


The Miner's said...

He is perfect! Welcome to motherhood! It's the best thing ever! We love you guys!

Becky said...

Congrats! He is so cute, and I'm so happy to hear that everything went well and that you two are healthy and happy! ♥

Nicole said...

Yay! He looks perfect! Takes me back. His birthday is one day before Corbet's! I'm so glad it went smoothly for you. Totally the opposite of how it went for me. I'm really really happy gor you guys. Before you know it, he'll be pushing his Companion Cube around and he'll be a year old. :)

Andrea said...

I'm pretty sure if I'd had a bad experience I would've convinced someone to tie my tubes. Lol:) yeah he's already growing so fast!! It's nuts! Thank you!!