Any way there's a few things I've been meaning to share with you! Remember My friend Rebecca Emily Cooper and all the beautiful artwork she's done for me and my family? These ones:
She's pretty amazing right?? Well she did it again for me! I can't express how much I adore these beautiful paintings! But check this out:
I love it sooo much! She does such a great job capturing the moment! And all three of these are more precious to me than anyone could ever know. If you want a beautiful painting of your own she'll do one for you just go HERE. You wont regret it!
The other thing I've been meaning to share with you is that the littlest Gabby has started her own photography business! Sunshine Memories. So if you need some great pictures done check her out. She's got a great special going for fall pictures and she's going to be doing baby's 6 month and our Christmas pictures for us! I'll post a few when we get them done! Her link is on my side bar too if you want to come back later!
Hope all is well baby just woke up from his nap so I gotta run! LOVE YOU!