Thursday, February 26, 2015


Things haven't been easy in our house this past, well month or so. Baby girl got sick a while back and it's just kind of spiraled. Toddler woke up screaming 2 nights ago that his ears hurt so now we've been dealing with our very first ear infection and it's not very fun. But through everything that's been happening I've been thinking a lot about blessings. 

I've been starting to believe that sometimes we get these 'blessings in disguise' and may not know why it's a blessing for years or maybe even ever. Who knows if the reason your alarm clock didn't go off one morning causing you to be late was that you may have been seriously harmed on your way had you been on time. These blessings are hard to see as blessings because there's no way to know what the alternative would have been. When I got pregnant with my 2nd child I started having these pressing feelings that I needed to be home with my kids. That my job outside the home was not where I was meant to be. I kind of ignored it because hello I was pregnant and needed the insurance. But around the time my maternity leave ended those feelings turned more into a voice that would yell at me saying no nope Naw uh this is not where you're supposed to be. And I'd say back to the voice just a little longer I need to work just a little longer. But God had others plans if I wasn't going to listen to the voice he was taking matters into his own hands. Or maybe the voice was telling me to leave before all that happened, you know the whole you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain thing. Who knows, but I'm taking it as a blessing even though I may never know the exact reason I was being told I needed to stay home, it could be a multitude of things including needing to deal with all the sickness we've had going through our house this past month. I think it's important for us to beileve God has a plan for us. That he will bless us even when the blessings are hidden in seemingly bad situations. There is a reason behind it all I'm sure.

I've seen so many blessings lately. Even just as in answers to prayers and blessings for pain to leave my son. I know God is watching us. And that he loves us. I'm so grateful for the peace he brings. I'm thankful for all of our kind family, friends and neighbors. We truly are blessed.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

This is my life

I've started four blog posts about losing my job. But I can't seem to put in to words the way I feel about it, I don't want to continue to relive losing something that felt so much a part of me in such a permanent way so I don't think I can tell much of that right now. But I do want to talk about my new role in life.

We've decided I should stay home with the kids for a little bit and see how that goes. Stay at home mom isn't really a role I saw myself in. Sure everytime I had to leave my babies to go work it tore me in to peices and broke my heart, but I've had a paying job since I was 16 years old. So I'm learning something new. It's not easy, not that I ever really thought it was but living it is something quite different all together. But God has been good and supportive to what we've decided at least so far. My kids are so important to me and I never wanted them to be raised by strangers which was always a battle when I was working. I think I had long since out grown the job I was at, in fact I think that happened the day my son was born. While I still did everything I needed to at work my heart was always at home. 

I love this quote. It's brought me a lot of comfort lately. I was so focused on other things I was missing my beautiful children growing. I believe with all my soul my family is my journey. I think spending nearly every waking minute away from my husband was leading us down a road we didn't want to be on. Don't get me wrong Id never ever ever ever give up on him or us but it was hard some days when I hadn't seen him for more than 20 minutes in a 5 day period, because that happened sometimes. It's time for me to be on the right journey and not living day to day at a job that didn't challenge me, make me feel good about myself, or care about all the blood sweat and tears I poured into it. I don't know what I want to do with my life. Maybe it will involve school or a new job that I can see more as a career. Who knows? But for now I choose my kids. I choose my husband I choose my journey.