Thursday, February 19, 2015

This is my life

I've started four blog posts about losing my job. But I can't seem to put in to words the way I feel about it, I don't want to continue to relive losing something that felt so much a part of me in such a permanent way so I don't think I can tell much of that right now. But I do want to talk about my new role in life.

We've decided I should stay home with the kids for a little bit and see how that goes. Stay at home mom isn't really a role I saw myself in. Sure everytime I had to leave my babies to go work it tore me in to peices and broke my heart, but I've had a paying job since I was 16 years old. So I'm learning something new. It's not easy, not that I ever really thought it was but living it is something quite different all together. But God has been good and supportive to what we've decided at least so far. My kids are so important to me and I never wanted them to be raised by strangers which was always a battle when I was working. I think I had long since out grown the job I was at, in fact I think that happened the day my son was born. While I still did everything I needed to at work my heart was always at home. 

I love this quote. It's brought me a lot of comfort lately. I was so focused on other things I was missing my beautiful children growing. I believe with all my soul my family is my journey. I think spending nearly every waking minute away from my husband was leading us down a road we didn't want to be on. Don't get me wrong Id never ever ever ever give up on him or us but it was hard some days when I hadn't seen him for more than 20 minutes in a 5 day period, because that happened sometimes. It's time for me to be on the right journey and not living day to day at a job that didn't challenge me, make me feel good about myself, or care about all the blood sweat and tears I poured into it. I don't know what I want to do with my life. Maybe it will involve school or a new job that I can see more as a career. Who knows? But for now I choose my kids. I choose my husband I choose my journey. 

1 comment:

Amberly said...

I can imagine that going from working so much to staying at home would be a hard transition to make!! I would love to be a stay at home mom and it's my dream, but then I think about my Saturdays and how by the end of them, I'm a little stir crazy, even if I've run errands and been productive and I remind myself that it's going to be a transition and a change and an adjustment. You're great though!!