Monday, December 13, 2010

This ones for you ;)

It's been pointed out to me that I've been bad at keeping this blog up, so I thought I'd share a little bit just for you because I love you!

My husband and I went to the food court tonight before we went to a Jazz game and the only table available to sit at was directly across from Hot Dog On A Stick.  as we were sitting there and I was watching the girl go up and down up and down making lemonade my husband turned to me and said, wow that job is a bit degrading.  And the first thing I thought after that was 'Yeah I'd rather be a pole dancer than work at Hot Dog On A Stick' and my next thought was 'Hmm... Pole dancing, how can I write that into my book, that would be so cool!'  That's mostly where my brain has been at lately is my writing.  I actually feel like I have a strong story line with this one and I'm pretty excited about it even though most of it at this point is only in my head. 

My other great distraction lately has been Richelle Mead.  I've decided I want to move into her head.  If you haven't read any of her books you really need to.  The last chapter of the Vampire Academy came out on Tuesday and I ignored all of life to read it for two days.  In my opinion its the best ending to a series ever!

On another note we have two, yes I said two, offers in on two houses and because they are short sales and because our loan lady is out of the office until tomorrow we're waiting... for who knows how long.

Well its reading time in my house so I'm going to go read :)  I'll be back soon though and maybe I'll tell you all how Harry Potter went, big movie releases are always good times!  LOVE YOU

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ahhh!!! Hurray!!!! :) ♥♥♥

Can't wait to hear more about your story! And Harry Potter :)