Saturday, December 25, 2010

Which Disney Princess?

First Merry Christmas!!

I'm trying to not be frustrated and think about things that make me mad today. So I figured lets talk about something happy instead!  I got Beauty and the Beast for Christmas from my adorable Husband, Why not discuss Disney Princesses?

Belle is my favorite Princess hands down! Why?  Well first of all the obvious, she LOVES to read.  I mean I can't turn my back on anyone who loves reading!  I'm extremely jealous of the library the Beast has I have to say.  I love the way she stands up for herself and really puts others first.  It doesn't matter to Belle whats on the outside she knows its whats inside that really matters.  I think she's a good role model for girls, Go Disney on this one!

Something that kind of bugs me about the princess and the frog princess. Everyone kept saying this is the first ever ethnic princess, oh I'm so excited. Well, she's not the first ETHNIC princess.  Ethnic means: of particular origin or culture: relating to a person or to a large group of people who share a national, racial, linguistic, or religious heritage, whether or not they reside in their countries of origin.  So really all princesses are of some ethnicity, but if we want to say not white, Okay.  What about Jasmine? she's Indian right? or Pocohontas, Native American.  Belle is French.  Ariel is half fish! Mulan is chinese.  That has always bugged me, I'm not raciest so I hope this doesn't come off as that but what makes Tiana more important or special than the rest of the princesses?  But its just my opinion and we all know what thats worth :) 

I still haven't seen Tangled... I know I work at a theater WTH? I want to but I've been too busy.

Really thats about all I have. But its a happy distraction! 

WIP update:  I'm just over 15,000 words! Im so amazed with myself.  I'm feeling guilty about all the swearing and violence in my novel due to my new calling in church.  I'm the 9 year old teacher now.  There maybe a few revisons when I do my 2nd draft.  But I can't see taking it all out, it makes people sound scarier which what I want. I've been thinking alot about it and we'll see how it goes. but for now onward with draft 1! 


Aubrey Anne said...

I completely agree! That has always bugged me too. Rapunzel might be my favorite Disney princess. IDK, maybe it's only cause I just recently watched it. WE SHOULD GO SEE IT, seriously you would love it, and my kids haven't seen it yet. Make time! Love you!

Becky said...

Dude, I totally agree with the ethnic princess thing. To add to that, what's with the lack of a Mother figure in most of the Princess movies? If there is a Mother, she's usually evil, lol. Thankfully, you see a kind and loving Mother+Father in Tangled, and other recent Disney movies. Maybe they got the hint and we'll see more of that from now on. :)