Saturday, January 21, 2012

Facebook is not real life...

*This blog is being interrupted for a brief message*

There's been quite a bit of talk around my house about deleting facebook accounts. While the hubs opted to delete his I've opted to delete some people because I like being able to see my sissa and cousins who live far away.  This is no means to be taken as I don't like you. PLEASE!  I have a feeling that's how it will be taken but I just don't feel some matters need to be discussed over facebook.  I can't stand facebook messaging I think its the worst form of communication ever invented. If you have a matter to discuss with me please feel free to call me:) if you're mad about this I'm sorry.. but I honestly feel it could help our relationship because I'll never stop being me!  The tag line of this blog reads if you don't like it don't read it. my facebook feed is the same.. but now I don't have to worry about it:) I've also put my family blog back to private.. if you were on the feed before you still are. if you want an invite shoot me your email address! especially if you're no longer on my facebook, this will be where you'll see pictures. 

On another note (and one I hate to bring to this blog but here it is) I'm sorry about a lot of things that have been said lately. I feel I've been attacked over things that in my opinion shouldn't even matter. I have no objection what so ever to the upcoming wedding I'm actually quite happy for them.  The timing of it is bad for me and for that I was attacked and a few people will miss out on meeting my son.  But I honestly don't care about these things. Because I'll get to know him and my husband will get to know him. and hopefully more people as well if they can get over some facts that we just don't have the money to buy me nice clothes I'll never wear again and that I don't in any way want to be in pictures 4 days before I'm due. The hubs and I also need the vacation time for our little one. we won't be using it on anyone but him, call it selfish but I really can't wait to spend as much time as possible with him! I'm sorry if that upsets people but if it were you, you wouldn't do it either. on that note I will not be speaking of these events and things ever again. I'm tired of it and growing my baby is far more important to me than petty little issues.

*This blog will now be returned to its regularly random thoughts in my head.*

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