Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random thoughts on life

You know... life is pretty great. I know sometimes I get bored, frustrated and anxious. but really... its pretty awesome.  I have amazing friends, who are always there when I need to let out frustrations. My job is pretty great and getting better the more I learn I don't have to deal with certain situations and issues. As much as I would love love love to be a stay at home mom with my little guy at least I get to come back to a good job. My Husband is AMAZING!! If you didn't know he got Tech of the month at his job for December!  He's a real life prince charming! I'm glad we see eye to eye on just about everything in life.  My Son is already super freaking adorable! I got a DVD of his last ultrasound.  He was all wiggly and cute:) I can't wait to hold him in my arms!  We got put in Nursery in Church and I wasn't all that sure about it but I love it!! the kids are way cute! I just know we're on the right track for us and life is good :)

How is everyone else?

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