Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's my party let me cry for awhile!

First of all know these few things.  I love my son. I'm excited to meet him. I know I'm lucky to be having him and for the most part I am happy.  But know this too... this post may not be the happiest of times. Lets just get real for minute.

Most of my pregnancy has been okay. I wouldn't say great. I wouldn't say I love it and I wouldn't be strong enough to be a surrogate or give a baby up. It would be WAAAY to hard especially after everything you go through. So I have to give super props to those amazing women who do those things.

Everyone says its normal to start to get scared towards the end of your pregnancy. I always assumed they meant the giving birth part. But honestly.... I look forward to it, bring it!

I've been having some weird issues these last few weeks. Like my face is swollen and makes me want to cry. I've always mostly liked my face well you know its mine.. but now I look at it and see this:

Also I'm scared the swelling is because of my teeth and my mouth may permanently look like that! Okay maybe its a little irrational but its how I feel. And I have to say if I've let you take pictures of me in this state I must love you something fierce because I'm horrified by the camera right now!

I also used to have super cute ankles see:

I'm not showing you what they look like now. no way... lets just say they don't exist. I miss wearing my wedding ring on my finger instead of around my neck... Hell I'd settle for just feeling my fingers at this point, they've been all pins and needles for weeks.

Anyway this baby better not be late or I'll go crazy! If I haven't already...


Aubrey Anne said...

Oh I love you! I'm sorry, but the home stretch doesn't last long... you will have him soon and practically forget all this awfulness. If I can help let me know!!

Sheree said...

Oh Andrea!! I know how you feel! You make me laugh! I love you! It will be over in no time!

Nicole said...

This really is the hardest time, I think, where you're at now. For me it was seriously rough. I just wanted it to be over. The best lesson I learned was that it doesn't matter what I want. What will be will be. And man that hasn't changed at all. It just keeps being that way for ever.

Anyway, everyone admires you for what you're doing. Isn't it amazing that every person you see is alive because some woman somewhere made the sacrifice you're making? That's insane! And amazing.

I'm pretty sure you don't look like Slaugh. Haha. :) You're beautiful. You probably look more like the painting The Birth of Venus. Gorgeous!

Andrea said...

Lol yeah I'm learning that lesson:)

It for sure gives you a new perspective on life! It's a pretty cool thing even when it's difficult.

You're the sweetest ever! Thanks!