So last night I'm going about my regular business and I get a call on the walkie that a guest would like to speak to me. So I go out and this guy who is obviously drunk starts telling me a really long story about how its his birthday and he was out with his friends and he was late to the movie with his wife and now she is mad and he kept falling asleep in his movie. All of which he told me about 12 times in a thousand different ways. He wouldn't let me say anything at all, I finally got a second to say 'Okay sir what can I do for you?' To which he finally responds 'Can I get my money back because I missed most the show?' Well after listening to him for 20 minutes I would've done anything to shut him up so I go get him a free pass. I tell him Happy Birthday and hand him his pass. But guess what he doesn't shut up!
Drunk guy: You have any other kids besides that one? (pointing to my ever growing stomach)
Me: Nope just this one.
Drunk guy: You have a husband?
Me: (getting weirded out) Yes I do.
Drunk guy: How much time you taking off when you have that little one? The answer better be forever!
Me: Nope just 3 months.
Drunk guy: NO your husband will get a huge promotion and you won't have to work anymore.
Me: Okay thanks (Walking away)
Drunk guy: What time do you have to work to?
Me: Um till everyone is gone. (Still trying to walk away getting more creeped out.)
Drunk guy: What is that like 1 am 1:30?
Me: yeah..... something like that. (looking around as last team member leaves the building, screaming in my head please don't go!) Well it was good talking I have to go.
Drunk guy: (says something I can't understand as I walk away)
Me: uh huh! (Please be gone before I have to lock up please!)
So that was creepy.. but then something AWESOME happened. I opened my email and had an email from twitter. You know what that email said? it said 311 retweeted one of your tweets! SAY WHAT?? 311 has like 60 thousand followers!! that's like crazy!! Not to mention we all know how much I love 311. I get married on 3/11 I'm naming my son after a 311 song.. this seems huge to me! and I know I'm crazy :)