Friday, February 24, 2012

Best husband award goes to...

The oscars are this weekend and in my opinion most of the movies up this year are pretty boring.. So there isn't much to talk about when it comes to oscars for me this year. So instead my own award:) the best husband award.

It of course goes to my husband, and you know why? I'll tell you.

1. He always makes me yummy dinners.

2. The other night while he was making me yummy dinner he said to me "thank you for having my baby." how cute is that??

3. He tells me I'm beautiful at least 3 times a day and usually more than that.

4. He makes me feel perfect and pretty no matter what.. Even as I triple in size daily.

5. He kisses me good-bye every time he leaves the house.

6. He gets the perfect smile every time he feels our son kick.

7. He talks to our baby:)

8. He always makes sure I'm taken care of and my water bottle is full and in the fridge.

9. He does dishes, laundry and makes the bed all the time.

10. He loves me every second of every day. And I him.

There are so many more reasons but I like keeping some little smiles and touches to myself.

Happy oscars weekend all! I hope all your picks win! And by the way.. 311 day and Vegas is coming up fast.. Sooo excited:)

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