Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday ramblings

I don't think it's much of a secret that church things haven't been great for me lately. I do believe in God. But I believe that any religion that brings you closer to God and gives you peace is right for you. I don't believe there is only ONE true church. I don't believe any church has all the truth. I do believe families are eternal and not just for here on earth. But the following ramblings is one of the biggest things I've been struggling with. 

Every time I talk to anyone about issues I have with the church I get some form of just follow and it will work out. But here's the thing.. We believe that in the preexistance there was a war between satan and jesus. Satans point of view was 'send me! I will make them all see the way it is and they will obey.' Or essentially I will create zombies who just follow. Where as Jesus' point of view was 'send me! I will teach them and they will be able to choose.' Or we can research and find our own way. So I'm not saying the things the church are teaching are leading us or anyone to hell BUT which plan does just follow and it will work out seem to follow along with. 

There are things I LOVE about the church but I feel like there's so much hate in the world and some of the things the people in the church do or teach isn't loving. And any research into church history isn't comforting, which we're not supposed to do because we should just follow. Any way that's only a slight scratch into my thoughts that run much deeper but i don't want to get into it that much. Not yet anyway. 

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