Saturday, March 17, 2012

thoughts on Sex Ed in schools

I'm sure everyone has heard about all the Sex Education in school stuff that's been going about. I'm kind of surprised at the people who believe they shouldn't teach Sex Ed. This is one of those subjects I could easily jump on my soap box about.  My question is, why don't you want Sex Ed taught in schools? I suspect the main answer is you think its like teaching kids how to have sex. To that I'd have to then ask, did you ever take Sex Ed?? If not maybe you should.

First of all the Bill that is in question isn't saying all kids WILL take Sex Ed, its the same program it's always been.  The parents can opt to have their kid take it or opt out. But it does have the potential to take the program away completely. No choice, just the only thing ever taught will be abstinence only.

That being said I took Sex Ed in high school and they ALWAYS teach Abstinence first. But I think ALL teenagers should be educated.  They should know the options of safe sex, the consequences of unprotected sex and what to do about it all. Do you sit at home and say to your kids don't do drugs, and when they ask why you say 'just because.' Or Do you teach them the consequences of doing drugs?  Teaching teens about safe sex isn't the same thing as telling them how to have sex or that its okay to go out and have sex. If you want your children to have the wait until marriage, values then talk to them all the time! Those values come from home. However, teenagers are run by hormones and peer pressure.  EVERYONE makes mistakes.  I would rather know that my kid knew how to protect himself against unwanted pregnancy or STD's than not.  Don't get me wrong I'm more than willing to teach my kids these things at home, but I can't trust that other parents feel the same way or do the same things.

I feel that teens need a place to go about these things and I 100% think that place should be their parents. But the society we live in STRONGLY believes that waiting until marriage is the only way to live.  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for my kids to wait until marriage, to do things the "right" way. But I in NO way want them to feel like if they slip up or do what teenagers do, that they can't come to me. That they can't talk to me. I remember what its like to be a teenager. I remember how stressful it is and how EVERYTHING seems like the end of the world.  And the number 1 thing taught in our home will be 'I will love you always and forever.' I don't think that message is given to teens in our society. I think a lot of teens end up in situations where they feel they can't go to their parents. When I was in high school I knew a few girls who claimed it was rape when it wasn't because their parents found out that they had, had sex and they felt like they wouldn't be loved any more at home if they told the truth. These are some serious issues!

When we teach Sex Ed. in schools its one more place a teen can go to ask questions or get help. These teachers are there to help not to show porn and teach kids how to have sex or whatever it is these parents think is happening. The government has cut funding to Planned Parenthood, Insurance companies are refusing to pay for birth control. and now we want to make sure our kids are uneducated and have no where to turn when they get into (in my opinion) "normal" teenage situations.

All I can hope is that these parents who don't want Sex Ed. taught in schools are teaching it at home. I have a feeling its more of a 'don't have sex until marriage, because I said so' thing. But I hope I'm wrong. Every parents #1 concern should be keeping their kids safe and protected and the best way to do that is to teach them how to be safe. It's great to tell your kids to wait and of course its the safest way, but knowledge is power.

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