Friday, March 2, 2012

two things I believe in and you should too

Thing 1:

My friend D'Ona is about to have a new nephew who was diagnosed with Shone's Syndrome which is a form of heart disease.  The baby will need a lot of medical help and they are trying to raise money for his medical bills.  I'm donating my ARC of The Savage Grace which I'll be getting signed before sending to them so they can use it for the Silent Auction they will be doing. If you'd like to donate money or learn more about this family go HERE.

Thing 2:

One time I went to visit a friend in DC and stayed with an adorable family that my friend was working for.  They had just had a baby, Ruby, and it was fun to stay with them to get to know their family and see the loving parents that they are. They were super kind to me while I was there.  I was always amazed by this family because they got to go to all these of amazing places and share some fascinating culture with their children. But since this time they have had one more baby and had some complications come up causing them to be unable to have anymore. They are a fun and loving family and they want more kids, so they are looking to adopt. Please check out their website Nate and Sina Adopt. and if you know anyone who needs to find a happy, cultured, fun and loving family for their baby, send them to check out the website as well.

Both of these websites are on the sidebar of this blog so you can always come back and find it.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully caring as much as I do.

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