Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

I have had lots of great examples of Mothers in my life and today I am especially grateful to all of them. From my Friends who have been rocking motherhood for years to the ones who have only just started. From all of my friends moms who were willing to be a mom to any of us crazy kids when needed to my stepmom with her endless cooking and sewing for all of us.

But none compare to this lady:

My MOM and me

My Mommy is always willing to listen to anyone, help anyone, give you the shirt of her back, and love the whole world.  It doesn't matter what you've done wrong or what you have said she will still love you. She's always been a mom to all of my friends and sometimes even to her friends. To the best mom I know I love you so much!  Happy Mothers Day!!

I'm also super thankful for this little guy:

For making me a Mommy. He has already stolen my heart!

If you're a Mom or Mom to be or someday plan to be:


1 comment:

Deb R said...

Thanks sweetie. You are the greatest mom ever. Watching you with Taiyd is so much fun. You are rocking this mom thing :) I hope God Blesses you with many years of happiness and many more kids hehe just sayin. I love you with all my heart! Love you once...Love you Twice....