Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Okay great! That's 200 more dollars a month

What?! I'm sorry did I hear you right? Did you really say that it will be 200 more dollars a month to go month to month? I hate this apartment. What does this mean for us? Well.. It means ALL of our stuff will be put in to storage for the next... Who knows how long. I hate short sales. It means that on Friday we will be out and about for another round of house hunting. I hate looking at houses. It means we'll be living at my dads for a while. I love my dad I'm glad he's always there for me. It's still not easy. It means kody will be living at seths moms for again who knows how long. I'm hating buying a house so far. I'm thinking sweat pants and a card board box sounds okay right about now. Oh wait it's like negative 10 degrees with the wind?! Stupid universe not letting me just give up! Well on with another day I suppose.

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