Saturday, January 29, 2011

On reading and Writing

Every Author I have met, read about, listen to speak etc.  Has always said an important part of writing is reading.  "Always read" seems to be very common advise.  Now I know that I'm not a 'professional' writer in the sense that I haven't been published *yet*  But I have to give the same advise, and add to it,  "Always read good books"

I'm currently working on draft 2 of my WIP, the very first work that I've gotten this far on.  And I'm seeing a trend.  When I'm reading a book that I don't like very much,  I find it much harder to write than if I'm reading a book I love.  I know that I need to learn from the books I don't like and try to not add the same mistakes to my writing.  But I feel like I need to read more books that are awe inspiring.  At first I had a hard time with reading AWESOME books while trying to write, always telling myself 'man they're so much better than I am!'  But I'm learning that I draw the most inspiration from those books, and starting to see that there is no way I can compare my 1st draft, which has these giant holes in it, to this beautifully finished product I hold in my hand.  I'm seeing just how much work goes into writing and I don't think you can truly compare any writing to a finished published work, until yours too is finished and published.  'UGH its so hard to do' you say?  I agree I struggle with it still and yet I throw out the advise anyway.  Maybe in part to help it sink into my own brain.  Maybe in part to help others who I know have been feeling the same way.

Well keep reading and writing and finding inspiration in everything!

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