Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The things nightmares are made of

Today I decided that my downstairs neighbors are possessed by the devil! While getting ready for work this morning it sounded like someone was running around on my ceiling. Well I happen to live on the top floor so it's not really possible it's upstairs neighbors just being annoying right? After a few minutes the noises stopped and then resumed right underneath me. My immediate conclusion is that my downstairs neighbors are evil and running around on their ceiling! It's logical. Or maybe it's only logical in the mind of a writer. But I still think it's real! I'm sure it doesn't help that I was dreaming about my 2nd story idea, which I don't want to give up details too, but let's just say it's the stuff nightmares are made of, and directed toward teens;) yup my goal in writing is apparently to scare people in a this is somewhat romantic way. Don't ask me.. It works in my head. And yes that is the same place where neighbors are evil, head spinning ceiling walking demons. What can I say?:)

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