Thursday, June 16, 2011

A little something about short stories

I spent my day off reading mostly. I read Paranormalcy. I was so sucked into this book! I couldn't stop reading. Which I was very excited about because I've been a little blah about reading. And I don't know if you remember me saying i need good books to write, but that also meant I was blah about my writing.

Today a story popped into my head as I was reading and I had to make myself stop reading and start writing immediately. So I wrote for 2 and half hours. And I was impressed. I go through these stages every month where I say to myself.. I'm not good at this I quit! Or I'm just out of ideas and bam something comes to me and before I know it, I've lost 2 hours and feel less stressed. I always wish I could play an instrument or paint a beautiful picture, but my friend pointed out to me today that my creative outlet comes through words. I need to just use them more.

What do you do when that creative bug bites? Also I may not be able to do a short story for July does anyone want to try their hand at short stories and be my sub?

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