Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Book to Movie Casting

Hey have you missed me?  I missed you!  I've been working, A LOT!

So have you all heard about Jamie Campbell Bower playing Jace for the Mortal Instruments movies? 

I'm not really sure how I feel about this.  I hear that his audition was incredible. To Quote Cassandra Clare herself from twitter '[his audition was] ungunckingbelievable.'  But I just don't know that he looks like Jace. Here is the definition of Jace from Wiki: 'He is described as having wavy golden hair, eyes(which only look golden in the light), and skin, as well as having scars all over his body from countless fights.  Clary describes him as having an angular face(high cheekbones, a big jaw, and a flat chin), she also says it is that of an angel. His good looks make him popular with girls, although he has never had a serious relationship.'  My question is... is Jamie popular with the girls for his looks? In my opinion I'd say no. But I'm watching Sweeny Todd currently trying to find the love. Maybe he'll grow on me.  I'm hearing everyone was upset about Robert playing Edward.. I didn't read Twilight until just before the first movie came out, so I wasn't on board for all the casting on that one.  I've been wondering lately if that isn't such a bad way to go.

Speaking of casting has anyone been following the Hunger Games casting?  What are your thoughts?  I haven't been too pleased. Some of them are okay or already growing on me but I just cant get over Lenny Kravitz as Cinna.

What are your favorite Cast book to movies and least Favorite?

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