Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Advertise this.

There are a few things in life that really drive me nuts. Things I get so opinionated over that I just can't stop being angry over them.  Some of them I'll admit I've probably even done myself and had to learn the hard way.  But one that really ticks me off is Advertisements left on my car windshield. I HATE THEM!

I never look at them.  I don't know or care what you are advertising.  And truthfully if there isn't a trash can near by I throw it on the ground and hope the stupid company who put it there gets fined for littering. I don't know why it makes me so angry but when I walk out to my car and see a paper stuck to my windshield I want to punch someone.

I get an ad. put on my car at least once a week in the parking garage where I work.  The newest thing?  Some idiot company has made ads on PostIt notes and sticks them to the side windows.  EVERY SINGLE time I've had one of these it has been on my passenger side window. GRR I just want to scream thinking about it!  I'm leaving work so I obviously don't have someone with me who is getting in on that side so I have to walk around and take it off, that is if I saw it before I started driving!

I think its odd how these ads show up yet I never see anyone doing it.  I think if I ever caught someone sticking something on my car it would get ugly.  I'm not sure if I would follow them to their car and at some point find their car and Duct tape ads all over the thing.  Or if I would just beat their face in.  Either way it would be unpleasant.

Oh and what about when it rains and the ad sticks and runs ink all over your windshield? How is this type of advertising even legal?  Do any of you read these ads?  have you ever given these people business? Maybe I should start reading the ads and discouraging business to these places.

Please stop putting ads on my car!

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