Friday, May 20, 2011

Ogdrea City

Once the rapture ends if you're still around I'll be queen of Ogdrea city! This will be my castle:

And I'll have a pet dragon, I'd tell you his name but I think there are people out there who will steal it.

You're welcome to apply for citizenship in Ogdrea City. All applications will be excepted until the day after rapture at which point I'll get bored with them and stop caring. But be careful not to make me angry because there are 3 ways to die in Ogdrea, none are pleasant.

1. I have already hired an executioner

2. The bottomless pit

3. My moat will be made of lava

There are still job openings available, most the good ones have been filled but I need someone to feed the dragon!

So which is it for you, heaven or Ogdrea City?

1 comment:

Deb R said...

Hey I know a little brother who needs a job...Im sure he speaks dragon! 1000+ hrs of slaying them on line is his job experience. :-) just sayin