Sunday, May 15, 2011

Conversations and the lost Gilmore Girls

Most of my days are spent talking to projectors and lately AV equipment. They go something like this.

Me:  Theatre 6, Why are you so freaking mean to me?
Theatre 6: hahahahahahaha
Me: this is NOT funny! You think those poor people down there enjoy watching their movie with no sound?
Theatre 6: hahahahaha
-Yeah its super intelligent, that theatre 6.

Or this,

Me: Hey Mic. Why don't you have a power supply where is it?
Mic.: Yeah about that, we had a fight and you'll never find it again!
Me: are you kidding? this is not good we need that power supply.
Mic: Well that sucks.

And any time I meet a new person at work I have this exact conversation,

Random new person: Gabbitas, are you related to B.I.L 1?
Me: Yeah he's my brother in law
Random new person: That's cool.  He's a great guy.
Me: Yup I know.

Which reminds me of the conversations I'd have with teachers all through school,

Teacher: Atchison, are you related to RB?
Me: Yeah he's my LITTLE brother.
Teacher: Oh yeah, he has a lot of energy.
Me: Yeah... aren't you supposed to ask him if he's related to me, since I'm older?

But my favorite Conversation of everyday is,

Hubs: your so pretty!
Me: You are the Handsomest of all the land.
Hubs: No I can't believe how pretty you are.
Me:  I love you!

It's funny the repeated conversations we have over and over :)

And in honor of how fast The Gilmore Girls talk (see its related to conversations) and story!

So the other day I decided I really wanted to watch Gilmore Girls, I have all the seasons of course.  So Hubs went downstairs to grab it from where we keep all of our TV seasons and came back with How I Met Your Mother. "Gilmore Girls isn't down there" he says.

"Yeah it is I'll prove it," I say.  And I head down the stairs to look where I thought i had put them when I unpacked the DVD's when we moved in what 2 months ago?  They weren't there!  So I searched the two bedrooms we have some random stuff in.  No go they were just gone! "Are we missing a box that hasn't been unpacked?" I asked hubs.

"I don't know," he says "are we missing other TV seasons?" So we looked and I only had season 1 of Will and Grace.

"Season 2 of Will and Grace is missing too." I say.  Well we ended up going to bed and just watching HIMYM. But then Hubs comes upstairs a few days later and was holding Gilmore Girls.

"YOU FOUND THEM!!!" I exclaimed!

"Yup, know what else I found?" he asks

"What? Will and Grace season 2?"

"Yeah, AND Everwood, Entourage, True Blood." he says

"Oh wow!  I forgot we had those!!" It's kind of like having new stuff.  apparently I haven't done a very good job unpacking our house.  must finish that someday.

Well that's my random stories for the day!

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