Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yup thats me on the floor you can just step over me

So I've always been taught that we are not held responsible for Adam's transgressions. that we will be judged and held accountable only for our own mistakes.  But I'm not entirely sure that we (and when I say we I mean women) aren't held accountable for Eve's transgressions. if you don't who I'm talking about check this out.

Sometimes I think being a girl is the meanest thing someone could think up.  Yes that's right I'm going to talk about the big red dot in the room. 

The thing that causes women to turn into complete bitches and crying sniveling balls on the floor once a month, at least that's what happens to me.

I have this theory that because once upon a time some unknowing lady took from the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge, that all women get punished with pain and crankiness.

I don't know about you but once a month I turn into an insomniac

I want to punch everyone.

I cry just because you looked at me funny.

I yell because you touched me when you walked past.

and I curl up on the floor (yup any floor, once even on the floor of the 100 year old high school bathroom when I was 17.) and wait for death to come take me away from the pain that is girldom.

And yet we're taught as a society (built entirely by men, in my opinion) that having AF (aunt flow) in town is supposed to be a glorious thing.

that we're supposed to suck it up and be proper women all the time.

Or "just take a midol already."  which by the way if you say to me you're likely to end up on the I'm going to punch you list. also on a side note Midol does really odd things to me... I once got kicked out of Interior Design in High School because the quack teacher thought I was on a drugs, and I had taken Midol and missed lunched. needless to say I left the classroom dropping my book on the floor telling her "don't worry I won't ever come back because you have no clue what you're talking about, in life or this stupid class."  It's a wonder I graduated highschool.  but I had a free ditch period that whole semester! and yes it was the same semester I got a 1.57 GPA Coincidence.  yeah probably not.

so yeah thats me curled up on the floor.. feel free to just step over me and continue on with your day.

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

Couldn't relate to anything more. Ugh! If I could I'd just get that pesky uterus out right NOW! But for some reason they don't want to do that for me. :( Miss you!