Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My whole day

•4am: diaper change. It may be 4am but I'm grateful baby girl is back on track. She slept from 10 till 4, which is better than she's done the past 2 nights and she's much happier.

•4:10am feed baby girl. I sit in my front room for feedings which is right over my sons room. I can hear him crying. I don't know if he heard me get up or he's been awake for an hour. Hubs went down to check on him an hour ago because he woke up. It makes me so sad when I can hear him but I'm busy so he just has to put himself back to sleep. He's had a tummy ache (because he refuses to poop) so I'm sure that's why he's waking up. He cried for an hour before bed telling me to make it feel better:( 

•4:10-4:45am while feeding I check my social medias, because I'm obsessed. And read a chapter of my book.

•4:45am attempt to burp cute girl and get this
On a side note, I really want to redesign the burp rag. I have a fantastic idea! But I have zero sewing skills. 

•4:50am back to bed. I've put little girl back in our room. After one night of being in her room she wouldn't let me put her down for 2 whole days. Including sleep time so she can stay in my room if she'll sleep. Whatever. She's super cute anyway;) 

•somewhere around 6:45 and 7:15am. Baby started fussing a little so I moved her in bed with me for a little more sleep. 

•7:45am listen to son playing in his room over the baby monitor.

•8:16am won't you wake up with me? -if you don't get that we can't be friends- anyway dragged myself out of bed went downstairs and changed toddlers diaper. And I'll say I really think he'll be feeling better today! Oh man. 

•8:20am feed baby girl while toddler sits beside me and plays his phone like mommy, which I feel bad about we have way too much screen time! *sigh* (also I promise I'm washing my hands between diaper changes and feedings.. I just figured no one wanted to hear every tiny detail of my day;))

•9:10am rehang sibling picture frame with a few new pictures. 

•9:20-10:05am: pay medical bills and set up payment plans.

•10:15am feed baby girl. Babies are so time consuming;) but so worth it. Toddler is sitting next to me asking if we can go see grandma the witch. 

•10:45am get baby girl dressed for the day

•10:50 take care of a few christmas things.

•11: get playdoh out for toddler because he asked for it but is now playing with a ball. 

•11:30 clean up giant bottle of peroxide toddler dumped everywhere while both children scream.

•11:45 make quesadilla for lunch and strap fussy baby into baby carrier.

•11:55 give up on my maybe I won't drink soda today and down as much caffeine as possible. *enough crying children* baby girl has a bubble I can't get. Most frustrating thing in the world 

•12:05 make bottle for upset baby by the time I'm finished she's passed out. Mean while toddler is having Netflix a.d.d. And switch shows every 3 seconds. *my head is exploding*

•12:20 tell toddler to please not choke his baby sister 

•12:30 try to catch baby smiles 

•12:50 ask toddler if he wants a nap, he says 'not today mommy' so I turn on wreck it Ralph put the baby in the bouncer and shower, because I really need it. 

•1:10 contemplate leaving the house because I'm going stir crazy and odds that hubs is working late again are pretty high.  While getting dressed. 

•1:30 sit down and let baby sleep on lap while toddler runs a muck. I'm having a very unmotivated day.

•2:00 put toddler in room for nap or quiet time, he cried for a few minutes than fell asleep. 

•2:10 tried to clean up a little then baby started crying. This is starting to make me see how little I get done every day ;)

•3:11 watching hart of Dixie with baby strapped in and toddler sleeping, at least I think he's sleeping. 

•3:45 mom showed up and a few minutes later a few of the kids christmas gifts showed up. I do lots of online shopping;) 

•3:50 did dishes and talked to mom while baby wearing

•4:00 went to check on toddler still passed out. 

•4:10 toddler came up finally got him dressed. Don't judge me! 

•4:15 feed baby girl. 

•4:50 go to gordmans with my mom to finish some shopping.

•5:40 pick up dinner from Panda Express (thanks mom you're the best!)

•6:00 eat with toddler 

•6:30 feed baby. Read a chapter of my book. 

•6:45 watch son dance to 311 'mommy it's 311!'

•7:00pm daddy's home!!!

•7:05 bath times, I give baby sister hers while daddy gives toddler his.

•7:15 snuggle baby girl on couch 

•7:35 story time in toddlers room 

•8pm: husband time I've missed him, then bed that's all folks have a great night;) 

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