Friday, November 14, 2014

30 day challenge and my best friend

I've been having a hard time blogging lately so I found this and we'll give it a shot. 

So today... the hubs. We met in 2009 and were married in 2010. I've shared our story a lot I'm sure you could read it on early posts, but I'd like to talk about something else from our beginning I don't think I've talked about before. 

When I met my husband neither of us were active in the church. We lived a very different life style than we do now. I knew then that some of the things I was doing weren't the 'best' or considered the 'right' thing, but here's the thing, for me at the time, it was right for me. The weird thing about my life style I suppose was that I knew when I had kids I wanted to raise them in the church. I wanted my kids to have the background and morals of the church. I wanted them to make friends in the church, and I believed in the values and family is forever unit. I also knew that living the way I was I was probably unlikely to meet someone who had my same values. Now I'll admit something at this point, I didn't really feel worthy of someone who was church worthy, someone who wanted to be married in the temple and could be. So I shyed away from returned missionaries and the good church going guys. Maybe it's partly why I stayed in the life style I was in. But mostly I had fun. Maybe I shouldn't admit that, my kids may see this one day after all. Although I believe in being honest with my children anyway:) but I'm straying from the purpose of this post. 

I think I was right where I needed to be in life at that point. Because while I wouldn't suggest it to my kids, or someone else's, I wouldn't have met my husband if I wasn't. And that is not something I'd ever change. It was shocking when I met Seth how similar our path in life was, and that we both wanted it to end in the same place. And from the first night I hung out with him I not only wanted our paths to go the same direction but I wanted to walk the exact same one. I wanted our journey to end in the exact same place, us side by side. Luckily for me he felt the same way:) 

My husband and I were married in March of 2010, and together we started a path to get to the temple. We were on the same level we had the same steps to get through. And we had each other to rely on and love. We were sealed in the bountiful temple in March 2011. And I LOVE my journey. I love OUR story and who we are. I'd never change a minute of it. I'm so happy my husband loves me, he's the best husband and father. And we know we're not perfect, but we're not perfect together, which in my eyes makes us pretty dang close:) 

Seth I'll love you forever in this life and the next! Thank you for being my best friend and partner in crime. I can't wait to see what's next for us. 

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Thanks for sharing your story!!! :) You will be able to share from an "I was there" perspective why you don't want your children to do certain things. It will be a good way to teach them I think!