Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A little of this a little of that

THIS: Tonight we went to see Captain America and it got me thinking about a sociology class I took in high school.  Why? Well my favorite part of that class was when we studied serial killers.  I was fascinated by it.  The inner workings of a bad guys mind.  Have you ever noticed how the bad guys in movies always look like this:
Red Skull (Captain America)

Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)

The Joker (Batman)

Hector Hammond (Green Lantern)

But in real life they look like this:
Gary Ridgway

Charles Manson

Ted Bundy

If real life were a little more like the movies maybe more people would be safe.  I don't think any 17 year old girl would get into a car with some guy who has red skin and no nose.  I'm just saying.

THAT:  I learned tonight about something called Planking. Have you heard of it?  One of the Hubs BFF's, who shall be known to the blogsphere as T-plank, told me about it.  Here's the definition from Wiki: "Planking or the lying down game is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game.[1] Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.[1] The term planking is described as the practice of lying down flat with arms to the side, to mimic a wooden plank.
Many participants of planking since 2011 have photographed the activity on unusual locations such as atop poles, roofs and vehicles, while some "plankers" engage in the activity by planking only their upper body and feet while leaving the back suspended"

I had to look it up and there are some really funny pictures but I also learned about THIS  It's pretty funny but don't do stupid things people!  Play it safe!

T-Plank showing off his new skill

THIS: Remember how I told you about my friend Rebecca Emily Cooper?  Well she did this amazing portrait of me as a surprise!  I LOVE IT!!

This is the second piece she has done for us, right after BIL2 passed away she did this beautiful and treasured multi-media art for us. 

Go follow her blog and like her Artist Facebook page.  She's seriously amazing!!

That:  We leave for my Sissa's wedding tomorrow!!! I am soo excited!! I can't wait to see her because it's been over a year.  Plus we get to go to our cabin in Michigan after the wedding.  It's a pretty magical place and I can't wait to share it with the Hubs! 

Where is your favorite vacation spot? 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's a mood thing

Every once and while I'll hear a song on the radio that sinks into my bones and becomes an outward expression of a moment. Or I'll look at a tree as it sways in the wind and tries to pull something very real right out of my skin.

I get this instant tug to do something creative.  I wish I could draw, or play an instrument or write amazing music.  But so far my only creative outlet has been to write it in a story.  I don't know if I believe I could actually make something out of my writing.  I can't tell you if someday my name will be on a book.  I'd have to say the likelyhood of it isn't very high, because I have the attention span of a gnat. Just when something flutters into my mind I only have a little bit of time to write it down before something shiny floats in and takes over. I love short stories.  I can sit down and write for 2 hours and come out with my idea all done and in front of me.  But the truth is I don't think people care all that much about short stories. They want series and full explanations and more.

I've gotten good and bad feed back from my writing.  My mom tells me its beautiful and always shares with everyone she knows, but she's my mom she's supposed to.  My critique partners give me good feed back and fix my punctuation and help fill in holes that make sense only in my head, in first drafts.  I don't know if the hubs has read any of my short stories.  It's okay because I know he loves me no matter what and I know him, which is all I really need to say.  I can't tell you if my dad has read them either. I just don't know, I know he read my first one. One of my friends makes movies and has asked if he could use my short stories sometime and I hope he does, I would LOVE to see something I dreamed up become someone else's creation as well. to see his vision of it and not mine.  and I've had a friend tell me after reading my first one I shouldn't get my dreams up about being published. I can take it all.  None of it hurts my feelings.   I more just need to get it out.  when the feeling takes me over. and I need to find a way to make that song mine, to fuse it to me forever.  or freeze that tree in the breeze in time for an eternity, I write it. It's a mood thing.

On a side note I'm not doing a short story this month On Once upon a distraction the shiny idea in my mind wouldn't fit with the theme and with Harry Potter on the loose its been a rough month for me.  but please go read Jenn's and Aubrey's.

Also a totally awesome and Jealous inducing representation of what I'm talking about what I wish I could do when music takes me over can be found on Rebecca Emily Cooper's  art Blog.  I think these are so cool!

Wild Nights

Have you watched How I Met Your Mother?  I love that show.  I love how Ted takes everything that has happened in his past and adds it up to how even the bad helped him get to good.

311 has a new song on their album that has a similar message

Where would we be without the wild nights
Without the lows and highs
failing to get it right

It makes me happy and gives me hope that all the bad will lead up to something good. If I think of my life in terms of HIMYM I had two serious boyfriends before the hubs. The first gave me my love for 311. I don't think he knew at the time the obsession he was starting when he said, 'hey wanna go to a concert with me?' or that it would lead to the topic of my first conversation with the hubs. The 2nd taught me how to do what I now do for a job, which eventually led to me working at my current job where I would have the means to meet the hubs. I'm not gonna lie its the only thing I'm grateful to number 2 for... he's a real number 2 in all other ways. But without him I'm not sure I'd have what I have.

Anyway just some random thoughts for the night. Enjoy the new 311 album!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who ate all the positivity?

I know just a little bit ago I was reaching out to the blogger world and my little following for everyone to be just a little more positive and then I stopped myself.  I'm not really sure why except that I've been waiting for a few things to happen.  I'm not a very patient person.  The longer I have to wait the more crazy scenario's I'm likely to invent in my head.  I'm also a chronic googler, I like finding people in my situations and hearing their stories which isn't always the best idea. The world can be a negative place, and some how I've boarded that train and gotten lost.

One of the things I've been waiting for happened yesterday.  It hasn't been officially announced so I'm not really sure what I can say about it.  I'm mostly happy about it. I'm still in desperate need of a vacation but I'm pretty sure either way this had turned out wouldn't have changed that fact.

Anyway I'm going to try to bring the positive back so I'll leave you with something that has been a sure way to make me smile lately. I'm bringing positive back!

Sorry that its backwards but its still super cute!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Destination Harry Potter stressville population: me

Dear friends,

I just want to say I love you all! I know that all I do it bitch and whine all day lately, also I realize the language has been awesome lately sorry. But here's the thing.. We'll start with Monday.

Monday I had to interview for the new theater and while I'm excited and hopeful for a change of scenery, we all know how I've been lately. Running a booth on full shifts everyday with only 3 people is taking a serious toll on me. So on top of the stress of interviews, with 4 people staring you down, it's hard to sell yourself when your tired and overwhelmed in the day to day of working. This isn't even including Harry Potter.

On to today, today I built up 5 trailer packs, 2 prints of Harry potter and 1 print of pooh. All while running the booth at the same time, because I just don't have enough people to have 2 of us on shift at the same time, should make those harry potter buyouts interesting. While I'm fully capable, this raises my stress level by 10. And I'm so sorry I'm not perfect BTW. Which adds more to the day.

Just about everything I said and did today was wrong in some way mostly because I'm not thinking before I type or speak. My brain and thought processes are fully consumed with Harry Potter, interviews, what will happen, where is my future, what should I do, how can I fix this, what the hell is theatre 6's problem, the sound is too loud, the sound is too quite, and where is all the cue tape? That I just really can't focus on things like what your name is, where you work, what time it is, where I am, what the world is doing, how much that costs, and I love you but I don't care about YOUR Harry Potter plans, I'm sorry if that's mean but it just tries to pile into my other Harry potter meddled thoughts and things start to sway, tip and fall. Then break downs are eminent.

Thanks to those who have put up with me! I'm sorry if I'm mostly negative lately, I'm trying.. I really am. 13 days to vacation and I hope I come back happier and more relaxed. *fingers crossed*

Love me!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Inside the projection booth

Have you ever seen that show inside the actors studio? You know it has this guy in it,

James Lipton

And he asks actors all these awesome questions. I always wanted to be on that show! Which is funny because I have no real desire to be an actress. Anyway since I'll never really get that chance and I'm thinking the closest I'll come to fame is through my friend Jenn, who just finished draft 1 of her Work In Progress. So in honor of Jenn, and the questions I had to answer at my interview on monday, I thought I'll just let my blog ask me the questions and it'll be like I'm there! so here it goes.

Blogger James Lipton: So Andrea Tell me a little bit about what it's like to work in a projection booth around Harry Potter time.

Andrea: Well Blogger James Lipton, it's a little stressful and a lot crazy. This year we had 4 prints of Harry to build, one print of Winnie the Pooh and one print of super 8. So that is 6 prints to build up in only 2 days and remember all 6 of those prints need to be screened before they are ready for the public to view. Would like a sneak peak at Harry Potter?

BJL: I'd love a sneak of Harry Potter!

Andrea: Here it is!

BJL: haha well that's awesome! you had to build up 4 of those? That sure seems like a lot of work!

Andrea: Oh it is!

BJL: So tell me a little bit about your writing and what you've been doing with that lately.

Andrea: Oh man, you ask the tough questions. Well, I haven't been writing much lately. I've been so busy and I've hit this brick wall where it seems like everything I write just sounds dumb. I've been working on what my WIP would be like as a YA novel instead of an adult novel. But it feels like its starting in the middle instead of at the beginning and I'm not sure how to fix that.

BJL: That's too bad I hope it comes back to you. So what is the best news you've heard lately?

Andrea: Well my friend Jenn she just finished her first draft of Bound in Ink. Which I think is a beautiful story and I can't wait to see in book stores. I'm just so happy for her!

BJL: I'm happy for her too! that is a huge accomplishment! *Andrea nods her head a lot* Well before we hit the quick round tell us what your currently reading.

Andrea: I'm trying to re-read the Georgina Kincaid series before the last book comes out. But Forever came out today and I bought it on my nook so I think I'll read that now.

BJL: Great! Lets move on to the quick round. first What is your favorite word?
Andrea: Love
BJL: What is your least favorite word?
Andrea: Hate
BJL:What turns you on?
Andrea: when my husband sings Tool songs in the car. although really anything my husband does.
BJL: What turns you off?
Andrea: Mean people.
BJL:What sound or noise do you love?
Andrea: Music, almost any kind as long as its not country.
BJL: What sound or noise do you hate?
Andrea: Silence
BJL: What is your favorite curse word?
Andrea: Fuck
BJL: What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Andrea: Anything working on a movie or TV show set I think would be fun.
BJL: What profession would you not like to do?
Andrea: Anything in telemarketing
BJL: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Andrea: I believe it does exist and Yes very much I would like to hear that I'm home safe and loved, that he knows I did the best I could.
BJL: Well thank you for letting me interview you today Andrea. It's been a pleasure!
Andrea: the pleasure is all mine!
Everyone Thank Blogger James Lipton for stopping by! and if there are any questions he forgot or you'd like the answers to leave them in the comments maybe he'll ask next time he comes around!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


With my In-Law's going to Lake Powell today it has me ever more excited for my vacation! Don't get me wrong I love Lake Powell I mean who wouldn't.

Here's the thing, i look like this,

which would be awful for Lake Powell!  But it was worth it to spend some fun in the sun with my niece and nephew!

and this starts tonight

I think I'd go crazy if I couldn't watch the start of it for a week!

And seriously you can't get better than this

I love Michigan!  its so beautiful!  Plus I get to see my Sissa get married!!!!! and I possibly get to hang out with my step-bro. It's going to be the BEST vacation ever! Only 19 days and 10 hours left till vacation day!!! WOOOT! My husband is going to love Michigan... it'll kick Lake Powells ass this year!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

They're My Friends

I need love 'cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
and my friend 'cause they're so beautiful
yeah, my friends they are so beautiful
-Friends, Band Of Skulls

Okay so I promised a get to know my friends post So I'll do the best I can.

We all had our pictures taken recently
Aubrey, Jambot, Jenn, Me

 Aubrey :

Aubrey is a Mother of three super awesome boys! She's married to a gamer who used to be in the Military which took her far away from us for awhile.. Okay only to Kansas but that's far!  I met Aubrey in 5th grade I think.. Or was it 4th? Aubrey is the queen of telling it like it is, and I love her for that! She writes awesome Blog posts and great stories. Trust me when I say you will be seeing her name on the covers of books one day!


WhyJambot?  well if you haven't noticed I like to protect the privacy of some people, I try not to mention names or show pictures of faces unless they're out in the blogging world too. so I'm breaking one rule with the picture today but keeping the name I've given her for my blog.  Jambot has all the best in music and we like to joke about being robots...BEEEEWUP. There may be more to her name really than that but I'll never tell! She has been my bestest friend for a long time now. I love her tons because I can tell her something and she instantly knows how I feel about it.  Friendship doesn't get much better than this! She likes all things that have to do with elephants, BSB, and making fish faces with me.(We have A LOT of fish face pictures and there will be more to come I'm sure!) We met at work and used to stay up all night and go on secret op. missions. I know that anytime I need someone she's right there!


Jenn is an amazing writer!  She has so many stories in her head its fun to listen to her talk about them all. I know she'll be famous one day. Jenn is known for fabulously fun pictures!  She is a mother of 2 a girl(Diva) and a boy(Dude).  She's Married to another Gamer who is an electrician by day. She loves reading and finishes books faster than you can say supercalifratilisticexpialadoshis, okay I have no clue how to spell that but you know.. She currently spends most of her time at her lap top working  toward her goal of finishing book 1 of her WIP by the end of the summer, or at swim lessons with the kiddos. I met Jenn through Aubrey and we haven't been friends all that long but it feels like I've known her forever, in a good way!

Once Upon a Distraction:

You can find Jenn, Aubrey and I at Once upon a distraction writing monthly short stories so come visit us and leave us some love in the form of comments!

The first and last pictures on this page were done by Jon Miller

Friday, July 1, 2011

These are my obsessions

1.There's this little TV show that I just love.  When its on I'm GLUED to my TV. When it's not on I go through intense with drawls and can't wait for it to come back.  What TV show is it?  Promise not to make fun of me?

Okay please stop laughing at me!
It starts July 7th! and what do I do all day?  I watch for Updates.  I've gone through all the pretty pictures of what the house looks like this summer (SO COOL!) read the bio's on the 8 cast members already announced and Voted furiously on which duo will return this summer.  WHAT THE WHAT?? Someone is returning? YUP and I need help!!

1st of all  I'm thinking its possible 2 or 3 of these dynamic duo's will be returning for this season of Big Brother.  Why do I think this?  Well only 8 cast members have been announced.  8 plus 2 only makes 10... that's not enough!

2nd of all do you remember these guys?

They're sooo funny and I want them to come back!  please go here and Vote for Dr. Will and Mike to come back!  even if you don't watch the show do it because you love me!!

2.  I have this other obsession lately... Pretty AND Nice guys!  (Don't worry Hubs its not for me. I already took the prettiest and nicest guy alive, sorry ladies)  but I need 2 of them.  I have these 2 ladies that I'm determined to find good guys for. They're super pretty and Super awesome.  But my obsession has gotten to the point that while at the princess festival I was going to start kidnapping the pretty actor boys. So guys, if your single and want to meet an awesome lady, contact me!  I'll hook you up!  I'll only ask a few crazy questions... What, I need to know you'll be good to said ladies! And girls out there... if you know any great guys let me know!  Here are my guy requirements.
-Good with Kids
-between the ages of 23 and 35
-out going
-easy to talk to
-- Jerks need not apply In case the 3 Nice's don't tip you off.

3. Water.  I don't drink water because I spend about 98.9% of my time at work and the city I work in  has the WORST most DISGUSTING water EVER! it tastes like rusty pee. well I bought this awesome water bottle.

It has a filter on it, (Yes okay it was the red that attracted me to it.) but the water at work tastes fine with it.  so I drink a lot more water now! it's been amazing!  Now to just get off the need for caffeine and things will be much happier!

Well all that water drinking leaves a crazy feeling of 'Welcome to AMC urinate, I mean You're in 8 down the hall to the right" Gotta run! see you next time!

What are your obsessions?