Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wild Nights

Have you watched How I Met Your Mother?  I love that show.  I love how Ted takes everything that has happened in his past and adds it up to how even the bad helped him get to good.

311 has a new song on their album that has a similar message

Where would we be without the wild nights
Without the lows and highs
failing to get it right

It makes me happy and gives me hope that all the bad will lead up to something good. If I think of my life in terms of HIMYM I had two serious boyfriends before the hubs. The first gave me my love for 311. I don't think he knew at the time the obsession he was starting when he said, 'hey wanna go to a concert with me?' or that it would lead to the topic of my first conversation with the hubs. The 2nd taught me how to do what I now do for a job, which eventually led to me working at my current job where I would have the means to meet the hubs. I'm not gonna lie its the only thing I'm grateful to number 2 for... he's a real number 2 in all other ways. But without him I'm not sure I'd have what I have.

Anyway just some random thoughts for the night. Enjoy the new 311 album!

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

Some of my best nights have been spent around you, babe! I love you, I hope you feel better soon!