Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's a mood thing

Every once and while I'll hear a song on the radio that sinks into my bones and becomes an outward expression of a moment. Or I'll look at a tree as it sways in the wind and tries to pull something very real right out of my skin.

I get this instant tug to do something creative.  I wish I could draw, or play an instrument or write amazing music.  But so far my only creative outlet has been to write it in a story.  I don't know if I believe I could actually make something out of my writing.  I can't tell you if someday my name will be on a book.  I'd have to say the likelyhood of it isn't very high, because I have the attention span of a gnat. Just when something flutters into my mind I only have a little bit of time to write it down before something shiny floats in and takes over. I love short stories.  I can sit down and write for 2 hours and come out with my idea all done and in front of me.  But the truth is I don't think people care all that much about short stories. They want series and full explanations and more.

I've gotten good and bad feed back from my writing.  My mom tells me its beautiful and always shares with everyone she knows, but she's my mom she's supposed to.  My critique partners give me good feed back and fix my punctuation and help fill in holes that make sense only in my head, in first drafts.  I don't know if the hubs has read any of my short stories.  It's okay because I know he loves me no matter what and I know him, which is all I really need to say.  I can't tell you if my dad has read them either. I just don't know, I know he read my first one. One of my friends makes movies and has asked if he could use my short stories sometime and I hope he does, I would LOVE to see something I dreamed up become someone else's creation as well. to see his vision of it and not mine.  and I've had a friend tell me after reading my first one I shouldn't get my dreams up about being published. I can take it all.  None of it hurts my feelings.   I more just need to get it out.  when the feeling takes me over. and I need to find a way to make that song mine, to fuse it to me forever.  or freeze that tree in the breeze in time for an eternity, I write it. It's a mood thing.

On a side note I'm not doing a short story this month On Once upon a distraction the shiny idea in my mind wouldn't fit with the theme and with Harry Potter on the loose its been a rough month for me.  but please go read Jenn's and Aubrey's.

Also a totally awesome and Jealous inducing representation of what I'm talking about what I wish I could do when music takes me over can be found on Rebecca Emily Cooper's  art Blog.  I think these are so cool!


Becky said...

Awww, thank you Andrea! :) ♥

My personal feeling and how I live is : Do what you love, just because you love doing it! Not because you're doing it for money or fame - but just because it's a part of who you are.

I say, write because you love to do it. Share - because it's too much to keep just to yourself - and if it's meant to make you money or fame, it will. But do it because it comes from your heart. :) Our talents are supposed to be shared with the world - because you never know who your work will inspire or who you will heal. That's the awesome thing about creativity (talents/gifts) in all it's forms. It inspires and truly does heal! :)

Love you my friend!!! Keep it up, you're awesome!

Andrea said...

Beautifully said! I love it!! Thanks!

Aubrey Anne said...

Absolutely true! I completely believe writing just comes from within you and needs to escape. We want to get our writing out there, but most of all it's definitely just for us. Also, whoever told you "not to get your hopes up" should have a chat with me.