Tuesday, July 5, 2011

They're My Friends

I need love 'cause only love is true
I need every waking hour with you
and my friend 'cause they're so beautiful
yeah, my friends they are so beautiful
-Friends, Band Of Skulls

Okay so I promised a get to know my friends post So I'll do the best I can.

We all had our pictures taken recently
Aubrey, Jambot, Jenn, Me

 Aubrey :

Aubrey is a Mother of three super awesome boys! She's married to a gamer who used to be in the Military which took her far away from us for awhile.. Okay only to Kansas but that's far!  I met Aubrey in 5th grade I think.. Or was it 4th? Aubrey is the queen of telling it like it is, and I love her for that! She writes awesome Blog posts and great stories. Trust me when I say you will be seeing her name on the covers of books one day!


WhyJambot?  well if you haven't noticed I like to protect the privacy of some people, I try not to mention names or show pictures of faces unless they're out in the blogging world too. so I'm breaking one rule with the picture today but keeping the name I've given her for my blog.  Jambot has all the best in music and we like to joke about being robots...BEEEEWUP. There may be more to her name really than that but I'll never tell! She has been my bestest friend for a long time now. I love her tons because I can tell her something and she instantly knows how I feel about it.  Friendship doesn't get much better than this! She likes all things that have to do with elephants, BSB, and making fish faces with me.(We have A LOT of fish face pictures and there will be more to come I'm sure!) We met at work and used to stay up all night and go on secret op. missions. I know that anytime I need someone she's right there!


Jenn is an amazing writer!  She has so many stories in her head its fun to listen to her talk about them all. I know she'll be famous one day. Jenn is known for fabulously fun pictures!  She is a mother of 2 a girl(Diva) and a boy(Dude).  She's Married to another Gamer who is an electrician by day. She loves reading and finishes books faster than you can say supercalifratilisticexpialadoshis, okay I have no clue how to spell that but you know.. She currently spends most of her time at her lap top working  toward her goal of finishing book 1 of her WIP by the end of the summer, or at swim lessons with the kiddos. I met Jenn through Aubrey and we haven't been friends all that long but it feels like I've known her forever, in a good way!

Once Upon a Distraction:

You can find Jenn, Aubrey and I at Once upon a distraction writing monthly short stories so come visit us and leave us some love in the form of comments!

The first and last pictures on this page were done by Jon Miller

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