Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The day of lame and other random stories

I'm having one of those days where everything is lame... You know the days where it seems like everyone hates you (even though it's insanely irrational) so to feel better you go shopping buying the new work pants you've so desperately needed (the others have been stapled together for the past 6 months, add to the list learn to sew) and the sales guy left the security tag on, so now you still have to wear the stupid old pants. (EFF) does anyone remember that kids book the terrible horrible no good very bad day? I just feel like crying.. My whole day wasn't horrible but the end part sucked and for no real reason besides crazy irrational thoughts... Which even though I want to voice them I won't.. But you know the ones. Also I'm intensely bored with one aspect of life *cough* work *cough* which happens to me about every 6 months or so.. And then I get super paranoid I'll get fired, even though even when I'm bored I still work my ass off. It's like I think they can tell I'm bored.. Like they can read my thoughts.. (which i guess they can, yeah i'm a blogger and a part of a generation that must share every thought, blah) Big brother is watching man! But what else am I going to do? Suck it up continue to work my 45+ hours a week and just deal.. That's what. And eventually it'll all be okay again.. I hope. I'm sad because as a writer I dream big and hear voices and see things play out like an on going tv in my head, but the voices have been silent for weeks.. Which leaves me stuck with only me, and geez I'm annoying (no wonder everyone hates you, yup thanks irrational thoughts) I'm not really sure where they've gone but they have. you can tell just check out my April story it was no bueno. Anyway, whine cry boo hoo, I know I need to stop it's annoying!

Positive thought: (because I need one right now) at least the hubs can fall asleep fast? No? Um... I always have music! I do love music! I'll come up with something else soon I promise! These moods don't usually last and getting them out helps. So thanks for letting me vent even if you didn't read the whole thing.

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