Monday, April 11, 2011

Glamour me this! and watch out for the shape shifting murderer!

One super Cute and one super creepy! here are my 2 stories for the day!

Everyday my super adorable awesomely perfect husband tells me I'm beautiful.  I love it! I love the way he looks at me and the smile he gets when he tells me.  My usual response is to smile and say 'I'm only beautiful for you!' to which he always says 'that's not even possible, you are beautiful to the world.' And I answer with 'No babe I have a glamour on you.  You see me differently than everybody else does.' I remember when I first gave this response, he looked at me like I was crazy, like I was asking him if he were the brother who liked 311. ;)  And our usual conversation evolved when he answered, 'um, you don't know how to do that!' to which I say 'yes huh I do!'

Yup I'm five years old and still in preschool.  I know!  But I love our conversations and its fun to see the twists and story lines they pick up every time we have one!

Now for the creepy!  I've been having insane dreams the past few days.  I'm somewhat hoping sharing them means I can go back to sleeping through the night and not remembering said dreams.  The first night I dreamed about shark attacks (probably because of Soul Surfer, still an awesome movie though!) The second night I dreamed about being in the middle of a war. And Last night.... well.... I was being murdered by a shape shifting guy who was impossible to kill!  I should know I cut his heart out in my dream and he laughed at me! and then continued to kill. I'm starting to wonder if the ailens have put something in my brain.

Here's hoping for nights filled with happy sleep!

Positive thought: At least I can wake up to the bestest person in the whole world when my nights are filled with evil nightmares.


Deb R said...

I pray for you to have Sweet Dreams my lovey! Peace, Mom

Aubrey Anne said...

Oh, you guys are SO.DANG.CUTE.

But, just for the record, I thought you were beautiful way before he did. ;)