Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Susie Home Maker?

Okay no, not even close! But I am totally loving having a house. I've been doing some decorating. And been trying to cook more, wanna see?!


Well I showed you my painting so far but I've added some vinyl:

On my Family wall I just need to add a parents frame which I'm working on:)


I've only taken a few pictures but I've been trying to cook every night for the past week to help save some money.

On 4/6 I made Chicken Enchiladas. They were super easy and so good!
4/7 was chicken salad with the leftover chicken from the enchiladas.
4/9 Hubs made chicken noodle casserole.
4/10 We had some friends over and I made Beef Stoganoff
4/11 Stuffed ham rolls

4/12 Pulled Pork sandwiches

tonight I'll probably do spaghetti since I got a bit behind schedule and was planning on lasagna So I'll probably do that Sunday instead.

Yeah I know most boring post ever! sorry!

Positive thought: I'm so lucky to have a house to do all this fun stuff in

1 comment:

Deb R said...

Susie ...nothing about it you're.... "Andrea" Homemaker! :-). You're doing a great job! You should be proud of yourself! Iam! I hope you and Seth have many happy years here! God Bless!