Thursday, April 7, 2011

Inspiration thy name is Bethany Hamilton

I'm sure most of you have seen this billboard:

And heard this story.

I know I had, and I always thought that Bethany was a pretty amazing person.  It's not easy to go through something that horrible and terrifying and just go on with life let alone go right back out in the water and surf again.  But that is the amazing part of her story I already knew and admired.

I just finished screening the movie Soul Surfer Which if you haven't heard is the movie of Bethany's life based off her autobiography of the same title.  I'm in absolute AWE of this girl, for both the already know part of the story and even more so for the parts I didn't know.  It's amazing that she never lost faith in God. It's beautiful that she spends a lot of time serving others.  In Primary I would teach my 9 year olds about charity and good works almost every Sunday.  I would challenge them to find some random act of kindness through out the week and do it.  Yet I'm not very good at doing what I preach.  There are so many people out there who need help, so many good deeds left undone.  Most days I wonder when I'll have time to do anything but this doesn't mean I shouldn't find good to do in the world.  If Bethany can still do great things for the world and not just sit at home and say I don't want to or shouldn't have to after everything I've been through then I have no excuses.

So on top of my Challenge to spread positivity to the blogging world I'm now challenging you to go out and do something good for someone else.

Also go see Soul Surfer!  Its a beautiful movie. But in the mean time get inspired by real life video of Bethany surfing.

Positive thought:  Just like Bethany does you can turn any negative in to a positive. I'm going to borrow her positive thought when she said that she thanked God for giving her the chance to embrace more people than she ever could have with two arms. Bethany you truly are an inspiration and beautiful spirit.

1 comment:

Deb R said...

Thanks for the positive moment in my day. I love you darlin!