Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Coexist and the Apple never falls far from the tree.

For the past few days and maybe even the past month I've been thinking a lot about people and interactions with everyone.  I guess I could go back a little bit further and say in the past 9 months I've started changing the way I perceive some things.  But most of it has come in the last month and even more in the past 2 days.

For 2 days I've said a lot of prayers.  Both in preparation for making my Family forever and in a need for strength and understanding and here is where I am today...

Remember how I said I'm not very good at expressing things sometimes.  I think that maybe because a part of me has always just assumed people know where I'm coming from.  But I've really truly realized that NO ONE thinks the same way as someone else, our brains and thought patterns are like snow flakes.  I've always kind of had that idea in the back of my head and I thought I understood that, but its come to my realization that I don't.  Maybe I never will.  But what I've gathered more of an understanding for is the term coexist.  First let me say that another reason I have a hard time expressing my self sometimes is that I quiet often come up with my own definitions to just about everything, so I'm only sharing my opinion and thoughts on coexisting.

While I love what I like to call Andrea and Hubs world, not everyone lives in that world or would even like to live in it.  That's okay because I don't want anyone else to live in that world.  The things I do and think in my world is for me and the Hubs.  I'm not trying to set a standard I want everyone to live up to. I'm not saying everyone should do this, this way  its just what happens to work and be right for me and Hubs.  We think a lot alike so its super easy to live in the same world.  It's easy for me to see where he is coming from and I think he understands where I come from most of the time.  There's been some issues lately and I've realized that I don't feel right about them because I can't fit them into Andrea and Hubs world.  They don't fit on my shelves, they paint my world strange colors and fill everything with unspeakable frustration.  But why am I trying to make someone else's world work in my world?  Why can't I just say okay that's who you are. I'm who I am and I'm happy that your world works for you.  Its all I want from everyone else right?  for them to just say I accept your world let's coexist!.

Then about a week ago I witnessed a discussion between my dad and RB. The contents of which doesn't need to be thrown into the blogging universe of course but it hit me...  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  My Dad just like me tries to make every one's world fit into his own definition of how the world works. My Dad is a very caring, loving person and I know that, after the Hubs he's the greatest man I know.  Our worlds are very similar.

There's a part of my world that doesn't exist in the Hubs world.  It's a part I like to call the butinsky, (which kicks in 3 fold when I see the person I love most in the world being attacked).  I  see a problem and I think Oh I've lived through that.  I can help listen to me.  Or you're thinking wrong about this let me fix it.  But I can't do that.  I want everyone to be a peace. I want everyone to coexist.  I don't have to like everyone.  And I don't have to make them fit into my world.  I only have to live next to their world. I only have to coexist on the same planet.  everyone can think what think and do what they do.  I still have a hard time not feeling frustrated when someone doesn't understand what I'm saying but I'm working on that.  I hope some day with help from my family, my church, through prayer I'll be better at it.  but today I start on the journey of welcome to the planet, I know your world is different than mine but lets share it anyway. and I feel much more at peace than I have in a long time.

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

Andrea, If only I were as far down that road as you are! I am working on the same concept, though, and I love that I have you. It's such a difficult concept, and you're doing the right thing. xoxo Love you