Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why I'm excited to have a house.

  • Renting is a waste of money.
  • Cross breeze!  Apartments never have a cross breeze.
  • Aunt Andrea now has a fun place to play with lots of places to hide and even Burried treasure!
  • It's mine!
  • a gaurage to park in
  • a sweet kitchen. Now I need to learn to cook.
  • a place to share with the Hubs.
I'm loving it so far!  I'm getting nervous because we're having everyone over on saturday.  I feel like I'm running out of time to get everything done.  But I'm excited to show it off a little.  If I can stay awake! its going to be a long and super fabulous day! I can't wait!

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

Ahh!!!! I'm dying to see it!