Monday, March 21, 2011

It's moving day!!! And how pods are scary!

It's moving day!! I hate moving but I'm so so so excited to be in my house! It's so pretty! It's finally starting to smell less like the people who lived here and more like us.. Which I know seems weird.. And they didn't really stink per say but it feels more like home. A lot of my stuff is moved in just not the heavy things (that has to wait till hubs gets off work), hence the reason this post is coming to you from the top of the stairs it's the only place to sit right now:)

We put all of our belongings into a pod for the month that we were living at my dads. I don't know if you've ever seen one of those dropped off but I was terrified for my stuff! (It makes me feel bad to say that with everyone in Japan who has literally lost everything. I'm horrible I know. I do remember them in my prayers and thoughts everyday.) here's a picture of how they drop off pods.

Yup it's hanging on by chains! Am I the only one freaked out by this?

Well back to work! Got a lot to unpack! Much love!

Location:From the top of the stairs in my new house!

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