Wednesday, March 30, 2011

100th Post! Then and now!

I can't believe this is my 100th post! I'd like to start by thanking everyone who follows me!  I love you all! Lets start with a Then and Now! (thanks for the idea Joe!)


  • I had just gotten out of the most dysfunctional unhealthy relationship I'd ever been in.
  • I wrote all my posts in a bright red that seems difficult to read now.
  • We had way more 35mm projectors than we do now.  so much so that on Thursdays I wasn't getting off work until 4am. check it out!
  • I looked AWESOME!  Good enough that I was featured in pictures for the Gym I was going to see!
  • 311's single Hey You had just been released on the radio.  check it out.
  • I was discovering just exactly what I wanted in a guy! you can see for yourself if my husband turned out to be that guy.
  • I had the worst hot Yoga experience ever.  Well my only Hot yoga experience, I may remember it as worse than it was mind you.
  • I went to a Jazz Lakers Playoff game with some Awesome friends! LOoK!
  • Star trek was in theaters! 
  • I was living in an apartment in West Haven.
  • I was a little bit lost and just trying to find myself.
  • two months after I started the blog I met the Hubs!

  • I'm in the WORLDS best relationship!  I'm married to my best friend!
  • I've learned a little more about blog design and colors. (Or at least I think so)
  • I'm working towards a Healthier happier me.
  • I may not be in quite as good a shape as I was but I'm still happy with the way I look. (even though I really need to work out more!)
  • I know better who I am and what I want in life.
  • I own a house!
  • I have a dog.
  • I've learned a lot about friendships.
  • I've made my family forever.
Goals for the Future:

  • Work out more
  • Keep my Hubs as my Best Friend.
  • become a manager at the new theatre.
  • stop drinking soda
  • Spread Positivity to the blogging world
  • Defend the earth in a Galatic battle against the evil aliens of Gogamock. Where I will save the UNIVERSE from the jerks trying to steal all the natural resources.  

Positive thought:  I'm so happy to have a place to share my thoughts and ideas!  I'm glad that people read it even if it isn't very many people. I LOVE all my readers!

Positivity is contagious

Have you ever received an email that said this?

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,
When someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too
I passed around the corner
and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized
I'd passed it on to him .
I thought about that smile
then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine,
could travel round the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin,
don't leave it undetected

Let's start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!

It's one of those pass this along emails.  Well it got me thinking about how positivity can be contagious and I wanted to extend a challenge to any bloggers out there who may read this.  For the next month of blogs add a positive thought to the end of your blogs!  If you comment back here with a link to your blog I'll add it to my side bar! But also challenge others who may read your blog to do the same.  Lets spread some positivity.

It reminds me of this episode of Scrubs.  You can always find the positive in every situation.

Spread the love!  and make sure to come back to visit me!

Positive thought:  I get to keep my family forever!  There is no better blessing than that!  also..... My next post is my 100th post!!!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So Close!

I'm very close to my 100th blog post on here!  I'm pretty excited about this since when I first started blogging I wasn't all that great at keeping up with it.  What I'm wondering is... what should i write about for my 100th blog?!  I got some good ideas from my friend Joe, of which I won't give away yet you'll have to come visit in just 2 more blog posts to find out!  But I'm open for other suggestions too! 

Now for some random stuff:

WIP update:  there isn't much to update.  I haven't been working on it. There's another idea floating about in my head I played with for about half an hour but aside from my short stories (That you can find here) I haven't really had much time to write.

Positive thought:  I'm so lucky to have the hubs.  He's so supportive of everything I do!  I Love him with all my heart!  and I'm greatful for my wonderful Job even though I don't always like being at work. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Stay Positive and Love your Life

I was reading blogs today and thinking about posting on here,  I found this which is along the lines of what I was thinking today.

Of course I have to relate everything in life to 311 so this is how they put it:

I had such an amazing weekend! 

I went here with the Hubs:

We did this after we got sealed in front of the temple:

Then on Sunday I was released from my primary class.  Yes I cried all the way through sacrament.

Life is amazing!  It's beautiful and there is always something to be positive about.  Sad things happen everyday, sometimes its as hard as losing a brother, But you know he's somewhere much better than here.  I believe he's teaching my future kids to snowboard and fish and love nature.   Sometimes its something small.  But my new goal is to always find the positive in life. 

Postive thought: Even though I was extremely sad to leave my 9 year olds at church, I'm sooo grateful for everything I learned from them.  They are extremely special and smart kids!  they amazed me every single week!  They'll always be a part of who I now am. 

The hard things in life really do make you stronger and better if you let them.  So Stay Positive and Love your Life!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Contains no juice

This week has been long and gone by fast, all at the same time. Which I'm not sure is even possible do you ever have those weeks or days? It's been an extremely difficult week. And a really great week. My life is a segment on sesame street to teach opposites. I know.

We've had some issues with RB. He struggles with some things in life and I pray that he can figure out how to handle these things better, and on his own. He can be a very good guy, he just makes some really bad decisions. I hope he finds his path and purpose in life.

Things with the house are going really well aside from direct tv running a cable through my WINDOW:( don't worry I threw a fit.. It will be fixed soon. It makes this rain we're having today a bit nerve wrecking. I have tonight and tomorrow night to get my house ready for Saturday.

I also need to plan my last primary lesson for my favorite 9 year olds. *I will not cry, I will not cry* but of course I will, I'm going to miss them sooo much! They're such an amazing group of kids. They ask really tough questions and make me study really hard for every lesson, which gets a little stressful, but I love them! I love their curiosity in everything. I'm positive I've learned way more from them then they have from me.

I've had a lot of great time with my nieces and nephews this week too! From shadow puppets with flash lights to treasure hunts to baby blessings. Each and everyone of these kids a blessing.

'If all your friends are friends of love then they're all friends of mine.'

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why Bother?

I'm trying to be more at peace with things but I'm still having times where that becomes really hard. I'm curious a lot what has been said about me because some people are NOT nice, and for no reason.  So I just remind myself, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.  the thing that bugs me most is if you're just going to be rude, why bother talking to me or adding me to group things anyway? If you don't want me there I'm by far okay with not going just don't invite me.  I have my husband and my three besties. I've learned the past few years who my true friends are.  they're the people who really want me to succeed in life.  Who are happy for me when big things happen in my life  as I always am for them.  If I was that easy to say eh eff her who cares you probably were never a real friend anyway.

And she's up on her soap box again.  I know.  See its that desperate need to say something.  I can't always control it.  I have no hate towards anyone. I never did.  I've had a lot of hurt feelings. most of which the people who have ended up being rude to me have never even asked about.  again another sign of someone who isn't a real friend.  To those who came to me and asked, I appreciate you, even though the only answer you ever got was it's not my story to tell, or Its for me to figure out, I'm glad you asked.  Even though it hurt to hear the things said about me.  (PS I'm not trying to start anything for whoever may read this I'm still good just venting. OKAY? :)

Stepping down.  I'm going back to my happy week.  In which so far I try really hard to be happy.  I want RB to know I love him.  I hope he can figure life out.  you'll always be my favorite brother :) LOVE YOU!

Why I'm excited to have a house.

  • Renting is a waste of money.
  • Cross breeze!  Apartments never have a cross breeze.
  • Aunt Andrea now has a fun place to play with lots of places to hide and even Burried treasure!
  • It's mine!
  • a gaurage to park in
  • a sweet kitchen. Now I need to learn to cook.
  • a place to share with the Hubs.
I'm loving it so far!  I'm getting nervous because we're having everyone over on saturday.  I feel like I'm running out of time to get everything done.  But I'm excited to show it off a little.  If I can stay awake! its going to be a long and super fabulous day! I can't wait!

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's moving day!!! And how pods are scary!

It's moving day!! I hate moving but I'm so so so excited to be in my house! It's so pretty! It's finally starting to smell less like the people who lived here and more like us.. Which I know seems weird.. And they didn't really stink per say but it feels more like home. A lot of my stuff is moved in just not the heavy things (that has to wait till hubs gets off work), hence the reason this post is coming to you from the top of the stairs it's the only place to sit right now:)

We put all of our belongings into a pod for the month that we were living at my dads. I don't know if you've ever seen one of those dropped off but I was terrified for my stuff! (It makes me feel bad to say that with everyone in Japan who has literally lost everything. I'm horrible I know. I do remember them in my prayers and thoughts everyday.) here's a picture of how they drop off pods.

Yup it's hanging on by chains! Am I the only one freaked out by this?

Well back to work! Got a lot to unpack! Much love!

Location:From the top of the stairs in my new house!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Brother

I posted the lyrics to this song a few months ago, but I need to share it again tonight.

I've had some extremely emotionally draining days lately.  I'm worried about RB but he needs to find his way and I pray he does.  I love him very much!  I can't write in words the emotions I have going on in my heart.

I love my family. Forever. 

Tomorrow is the big move in day! I hope this week is only a good and happy one. 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow

A little over one year ago I walked down the aisle to this:

I saw my best friend standing at the end of that aisle.  I promised to love him for my whole life, till death do us part.  I held his hand and looked into his eyes.  My heart fills with more and more love everyday for him.

One week from today we will go here:

I will promise to love him after death.  I'll make him mine for all of eternity.  I can't describe the way this makes me feel.  It feels like there couldn't possibly be more room in my heart to love him, but some how everyday I find out I'm wrong.  I can always love him more. with just one look, one touch I fall deeper in love with him.

I feel so at peace lately.  I know not everyone feels the same way I do but If you'd like a little more information on how families can be together forever watch this:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Coexist and the Apple never falls far from the tree.

For the past few days and maybe even the past month I've been thinking a lot about people and interactions with everyone.  I guess I could go back a little bit further and say in the past 9 months I've started changing the way I perceive some things.  But most of it has come in the last month and even more in the past 2 days.

For 2 days I've said a lot of prayers.  Both in preparation for making my Family forever and in a need for strength and understanding and here is where I am today...

Remember how I said I'm not very good at expressing things sometimes.  I think that maybe because a part of me has always just assumed people know where I'm coming from.  But I've really truly realized that NO ONE thinks the same way as someone else, our brains and thought patterns are like snow flakes.  I've always kind of had that idea in the back of my head and I thought I understood that, but its come to my realization that I don't.  Maybe I never will.  But what I've gathered more of an understanding for is the term coexist.  First let me say that another reason I have a hard time expressing my self sometimes is that I quiet often come up with my own definitions to just about everything, so I'm only sharing my opinion and thoughts on coexisting.

While I love what I like to call Andrea and Hubs world, not everyone lives in that world or would even like to live in it.  That's okay because I don't want anyone else to live in that world.  The things I do and think in my world is for me and the Hubs.  I'm not trying to set a standard I want everyone to live up to. I'm not saying everyone should do this, this way  its just what happens to work and be right for me and Hubs.  We think a lot alike so its super easy to live in the same world.  It's easy for me to see where he is coming from and I think he understands where I come from most of the time.  There's been some issues lately and I've realized that I don't feel right about them because I can't fit them into Andrea and Hubs world.  They don't fit on my shelves, they paint my world strange colors and fill everything with unspeakable frustration.  But why am I trying to make someone else's world work in my world?  Why can't I just say okay that's who you are. I'm who I am and I'm happy that your world works for you.  Its all I want from everyone else right?  for them to just say I accept your world let's coexist!.

Then about a week ago I witnessed a discussion between my dad and RB. The contents of which doesn't need to be thrown into the blogging universe of course but it hit me...  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  My Dad just like me tries to make every one's world fit into his own definition of how the world works. My Dad is a very caring, loving person and I know that, after the Hubs he's the greatest man I know.  Our worlds are very similar.

There's a part of my world that doesn't exist in the Hubs world.  It's a part I like to call the butinsky, (which kicks in 3 fold when I see the person I love most in the world being attacked).  I  see a problem and I think Oh I've lived through that.  I can help listen to me.  Or you're thinking wrong about this let me fix it.  But I can't do that.  I want everyone to be a peace. I want everyone to coexist.  I don't have to like everyone.  And I don't have to make them fit into my world.  I only have to live next to their world. I only have to coexist on the same planet.  everyone can think what think and do what they do.  I still have a hard time not feeling frustrated when someone doesn't understand what I'm saying but I'm working on that.  I hope some day with help from my family, my church, through prayer I'll be better at it.  but today I start on the journey of welcome to the planet, I know your world is different than mine but lets share it anyway. and I feel much more at peace than I have in a long time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Random thoughts

I am not perfect. I've never claimed to be. But I know me and who I want to be. It's not for you to judge.

Please don't take my day and twist it into knots. you don't know the truth. And you've forgotten who I am. Or maybe it's that you never knew.

Trying to poke holes and break things that are sacred and for me, makes you the one with problems. I have no problem with you please stop projecting your hate for everyone on to me.

I'll always be me and you don't know me at all.

Monday, March 14, 2011

In other news

Today was B.I.L. 2's birthday.  we still miss him everyday!

Yup the deer is skate boarding!

We also closed on our house today!! *Dances around waving hands in the air and singing*  I can't wait to move in to our house.  AWWWWW We have a house!!!!! We move in next Monday. I'm so excited and beyond words but I wanted to share! :)

How dare you?

Is it logical to get pissed because someone made plans with someone else AFTER they tried to make plans with you and you once AGAIN chose someone else? Are we just supposed to sit at home and twiddle our thumbs because you don't want to do something with us? News flash you NEVER choose us!!! I'm not going to sit at home and do nothing. As if today wasn't rough enough. You made your choice. So how dare YOU!

Friday, March 11, 2011

I've been Married for one year and How I want to take a book out to dinner.

Today is my one year anniversary with my best friend the hubs.  Have I mentioned how much in love with this guy I am.  He's my whole world.  I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone so great, so supportive so amazing in my life.  I can't believe I really truly get to spend forever with him!  We'll be going to the temple at the end of this month to make our Family forever.  It's been the best year of my life and I'm so excited for an eternity of time with him!  Happy Anniversary baby!  I love you more than there are words, or books or beautiful places in the world. Thank you for always being there for me.  

Happy 311 day to the rest of the world!

Now for another love. (which of course doesn't come close to what I feel for hubs)  I just finished Anna and the French Kiss.  I want to cuddle this book.  I want to buy it dinner!  If you haven't read this you really really need to!  I'll read this book a million times and never tire of it.  Luckily there is companion book out in September I can adore and love too.  READ IT.. Seriously!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Journey into my mind!

*Warning:  If you have heart problems or any serious medical issues consult a doctor before continuing*

Yes my mind is a scary place!  Sometimes I have a hard a time describing things to people or getting my point across.  things are a little crazy where my thoughts take place. There is always a song or sound playing in my head.

 sometimes it sound likes this:

And sometimes its more like this:

And other times its as annoying as this:  (Thanks Stupid companies who make stupid commercials.  Hence the reason its in my must go list!)

Sometimes in the middle of July I hear this:

And I sing this pretty much everyday of the year:

I get more excited over things when I have someone to get excited with me.  So just play along and we can all have fun!

I love to read it takes me out of my own head for a little while.

It's like being in a kids play land where everything glows and sings.  and sometimes everyone is yelling all at once.

Sometimes I have a hard time staying focused and listening.  Its not because I don't want to I'm just easily distracted.

Sometimes I just have to Zone out.

I love my family.

I love my friends.

I most of all love the hubs.

I'm always embraced in words.  Most of which don't always fit together and are quite often extremely random:

Sometimes I feel lost in my own thoughts

Sometimes I like to be alone

Sometimes I love being with tons of people

I love the rain

and all things red;

311 is a way of life

Movies are a fun and enjoyable past time and I think a great career

but most of all I'm just me. but now you know me a little bit better :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buying a house is hard

Today has been filled with non stop emails. Please send this. What is that? Where are you buying this from? At what age did you realize Santa wasn't real? (totally ruined my day with this one!) please cut off your left arm scan it and return a copy.

You know the basics of getting paperwork together to buy a house.

I'm tired! And still have to go to work.. I'm telling you right now.. I never want to buy another house ever again! This one will just have to work until the apocalypse hits and giant fish take over the world. I am done! No more please:) but our move in date is officially the 20th of March! Wahoo! I can't wait till it's over! Watch out for giant fish and have a happy day:)

Location:Dads house

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's 3/11 all month!

Well.. We are all moved out of apartment. It was bitter sweet. On the sweet side no more ceiling walking neighbors. No more devilish apartment managers or smelly neighbors. No more elevator to aid my laziness.

On the bitter side. That was our first place together it was sad to leave. We had to move. I really hate moving. (even though the hubs, RB, SIL 1's hubs, and MIL did all the work. thanks guys you rock!!) we're now living at my dads. Which isn't awful but it's like getting punched in my pride. I'm far too independent. At least
we should have house soon!

On another note, it's March! Which means a lot of things. 1. We've almost been married a year! I can't believe it! 2. We're going to the temple this month:) 3. We get our house!!!! And of course its 3/11 ALL month long! What a fantastic month! So blast the 311! And Have a great month!

Location:Dads house